Welcome back to Gossip at the Corpse Cart! This month the gals discuss the most tweeted about headlines including, but not limited to, a meth-infused death party, a serial killer with a green thumb, the LA Museum of Death, and of course, a standout obit.
Ep2 Gossip at the Corpse Cart
February 18, 2019

“Minnesota man says he gave ailing wife meth, had ‘death party’ before she died”

“Man Breaks Lingerie Store Window To Attack Barack Obama Mannequin”

Thomas Donald Bruce McArthur

Bruce McArthur, a serial killer from Toronto, Canada, known as the “Potted-Plant Serial Killer”

Courtroom sketch of Bruce McArthur pleading guilty to eight counts of murder, in Toronto, Canada.

McArthur’s Victim, Abdulbasir Faizi

McArthur’s Victim, Majeed Kayhan

McArthur’s Victim, Kirushna Kumar Kanagaratnam

McArthur’s Victim, Selim Esen

McArthur’s Victim, Dean Lisowick

McArthur’s Victim, Soroush Mahmudi

McArthur’s Victim, Andrew Kinsman

Larry Englund Obituary

Lucy at the Museum of Death in Los Angeles.

Museum of Death opened in 1995 at its original location in San Diego by JD Healy and Catherine Shultz.

Elvis Presley themed bathroom at the Museum of Death.

Wall of newspaper clippings related to the death of Elvis Presley.

Lucy made a point to poop in the Elvis bathroom.

Museum of Death, Los Angeles.

If you visit the Museum of Death, don’t forget to visit the gift shop and pick something up!