Ep92 Eastern European Serial Killers

November 8, 2018

This week, the gals head east to check out some gory stories from the Motherland. Cases include a spritely set of Ukrainian maniacs, a killer addicted to both sex and socks, and a seriously sick teacher with a thing for his students. This episode is paired with Winc’s Salient Cabernet Sauvignon, so get out your Slovak translation guide, buckle the f**k up, and tune in for Eastern European Serial Killers.

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Ep91 Forensic Anthropology

November 1, 2018

This week, the gals bone up on their forensic skills. Topics include a super-cold case with multiple murderers, the intersection of science and racism, and a couple of lucky bunions. Pick up a bottle of Winc’s Forma de Vida Verdejo, maybe pour a glass of milk to go along with it, and tune in for Forensic Anthropology.

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Ep90 Coerced Confessions

October 24, 2018

This week, the gals dig deep into the psychological reasons behind false confessions. Topics include a team of crummy Irish cops, some really f*cked up legal loopholes, and the motivations of both suspects and authorities. Dump an entire bottle of Inocencio Pinot Noir into your glass, call a lawyer, and tune in for Coerced Confessions.

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(BONUS EP) Beyond Stupid: Fake Experts ft. Alie Ward

October 22, 2018

This week, the gals chat with Alie muthaf*ckin Ward of the Ologies podcast about some notorious know-it-alls. Topics include a slippery sommelier, a doc with dangerous motives, and an obit that’s also a confession and kind of a manifesto. Mix up a dose of Snake Oil Spritzer (that is white wine with kombucha over ice to honor our LA-based guest), make sure you’re up to date on your vaccinations, and tune in for Beyond Stupid: Fake Experts.

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Ep89 Killer Couples

October 18, 2018

This week, the gals take a good, hard look at the men in their lives. Topics include the ways in which a good partner turns bad, a pair on a puppy-love killing spree, and some sick sisterly bonding. Grab a glass of Some Young Punks’ Passion Has Red Lips Cabernet Shiraz, reexamine your current relationship, and tune in for Killer Couples.

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