This month, the gals lower their voices to whisper about some bad bibliophiles. Topics include the dark side of the Dewey Decimal System, some lucky monks, and a fatal stabbing amongst the stacks. “Check out” Bookwalter Wines (see what we did there), pay your dang late fees, and tune in for Library Crimes.
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This week, the gals get goofy talking about some folks who probably should have just drank some water and gone to bed. Topics include a bunch of drunk colonizers, an ancient vampire who sucks at burgalry, McDonald’s drama, someone named Keith, and $500 million worth of hangover anxiety. Rip a few shots of UV Blue, let your roommate know where you are, and tune in for Beyond Stupid: Drunk Dumb@sses.
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This week, the gals take their places to chat about some sinister singing groups. Topics include a long history of mutilation, the joyful sounds of a famous cult, and a horrific decades-long coverup. Put on a fresh pot of coffee for your morning rehearsal, dust off those vocal chords, and tune in for Choir Crimes.
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This month’s Gossip at the Corpse cart delivers some thought-provoking drunk texts, a girthy stalk of “asparagus,” exploding bigots, a poetic mindf*ck, tweezer revenge, a VERY rude awakening, and some shocking facts about lightning. Tune in for July’s episode of GACC!
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