Ep8 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

August 19, 2019

This month, the gals chat about some silly headlines, body donation gone horribly awry, and a brand-new segment featuring some of the deepest, darkest secrets from our beloved Coven. Empty your bladder, check your car for snakes, and tune in for this installation of Gossip at the Corpse Cart!

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Ep7 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

July 22, 2019

This month, the gals dig into some serious recent injustices plus an all-too-gaseous intruder who might just regret that last burrito. Topics include a fatal white savior complex, yet more dangers of cruise ships, and a majorly maligned manslaughter charge. Tune in for the July episode of Gossip at the Corpse Cart!

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Ep6 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

June 10, 2019

This month, the gals chat about what they wouldn’t do to pet a dog (hint: very little), a very public aircraft arrest, and some fun stories from the annals of surgical history. Cheers!

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Ep5 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

May 20, 2019

This month, the Gals cover every American’s sacred First Amendment right to eat a$$, a parrot who ain’t no narc, some insights from a self-described necrophile, and one EPIC Ted Bundy rant. Enjoy! #GossipAtTheCorpseCart #GACC #WineandCrime #WineCoven

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Ep4 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

April 15, 2019

This month, the Gals discuss the tragic murder of iconic rapper Nipsey Hussle, a shocking child imposter case that rocked the true community this month, naughty St. Patrick’s Day cookies, and of course, another rollicking Coroner Corner. Tune in & enjoy!

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