Ep12 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

December 9, 2019

This month’s installment of Gossip at the Corpse Cart brings us headlines of dogs doing doughnuts, a THC overdose confession, a menstrual cup mishap, and a mysterious bovine killing spree that may or may not involve sharks with lasers.

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Ep11 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

November 18, 2019

This month’s episode of Gossip at the Corpse Cart contains some intense prank confessions, plus hungry penguins, Florida Blake Lively, DIY death rituals, and a lesson (or two) in extreme retaliation. Holster your pigeons and tune in!

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Ep10 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

October 28, 2019

This month’s Gossip at the Corpse Cart is full of sh*t – literally! Kenyon shares some crappy Coven Confessions, plus the gals chat about sex toy upcycling and a mysterious lake full of corpses. Restock on toilet paper and tune in!

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Ep9 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

September 23, 2019

This month, the gals share some “cheesy” headlines, a whole new crop of Coven Confessions, and a robust obit, plus they take a look at a haunted bootcamp experience and wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to participate. Tune in for September’s edition of Gossip at the Corpse Cart!

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Ep8 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

August 19, 2019

This month, the gals chat about some silly headlines, body donation gone horribly awry, and a brand-new segment featuring some of the deepest, darkest secrets from our beloved Coven. Empty your bladder, check your car for snakes, and tune in for this installation of Gossip at the Corpse Cart!

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