Ep64 Gossip at the Corpse Cart

April 15, 2024

This month’s GACC is chock full of cumbersome turds, deceased dogs, a Lazarus lizard, a provocative bush, pig obligations, the sweetest obit, and why you should never eat string. Tune in for April’s Gossip at the Corpse Cart!

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This month’s GACC is chock full of cumbersome turds, deceased dogs, a Lazarus lizard, a provocative bush, pig obligations, the sweetest obit, and why you should never eat string. Tune in for April’s Gossip at the Corpse Cart! For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors   Check out our latest episode!

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Ep365 Swiftie Crimes

April 11, 2024

This week, the gals exchange friendship bracelets and chat about one very big pop star. Topics include an album devoted to a legal loophole, a Waffle House massacre, and some inside jokes shared by millions. Drop some cubes into your Sauv Blanc, insure your cat, and tune in for Swiftie Crimes.

For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors


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This week, the gals exchange friendship bracelets and chat about one very big pop star. Topics include an album devoted to a legal loophole, a Waffle House massacre, and some inside jokes shared by millions. Drop some cubes into your Sauv Blanc, insure your cat, and tune in for Swiftie Crimes. For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors   Check out our latest episode!

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Ep364 Hideous Huskers

April 4, 2024

This week, the gals hit I-80 to chat about their neighbors to the southwest. Topics include some mortifying mascots, a different plague of locusts, and a very dark case of escalated slashings. Skewer your favorite bloody mary fixin’s, don’t leave your bicycle behind, and tune in for Hideous Huskers.

For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors

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This week, the gals hit I-80 to chat about their neighbors to the southwest. Topics include some mortifying mascots, a different plague of locusts, and a very dark case of escalated slashings. Skewer your favorite bloody mary fixin’s, don’t leave your bicycle behind, and tune in for Hideous Huskers. For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors Check out our latest episode!

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Ep363 Last Supper

March 28, 2024

This week, the gals digest some stories of suspicious stomach contents. Topics include fortune telling via viscera, some very specific fast food fries, and one seriously old jerky-lover. Treat your gut to some Rosa Obscura Red Blend, chew your damn food, and tune in for Last Supper!

For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors


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This week, the gals digest some stories of suspicious stomach contents. Topics include fortune telling via viscera, some very specific fast food fries, and one seriously old jerky-lover. Treat your gut to some Rosa Obscura Red Blend, chew your damn food, and tune in for Last Supper! For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors   Check out our latest episode!

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Ep362 Academia Atrocities

March 21, 2024

This week, the gals hit the books to chat about some particularly brutal brainiacs. Topics include a workplace shooter with a shocking history, the mental gymnastics behind some famous memos, and how those rural universities got so popular. Dump some vodka in a pint glass, delay grading those papers, and tune in for Academia Atrocities.

For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors


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This week, the gals hit the books to chat about some particularly brutal brainiacs. Topics include a workplace shooter with a shocking history, the mental gymnastics behind some famous memos, and how those rural universities got so popular. Dump some vodka in a pint glass, delay grading those papers, and tune in for Academia Atrocities. For a full list of show sponsors, visit https://wineandcrimepodcast.com/sponsors   Check out our latest episode!

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